WE ARE a strategic partnership of leading European universities of science and technology.

WE JOIN FORCES to build a strong, sustainable, sovereign, and resilient Europe.

We look forward to welcoming researchers, policymakers, innovators, small and big businesses to this joint workshop of the European Innovation Council and the EuroTech Universities Alliance. Join us on 15 October 2024 in Brussels for a full day of updates and insights, discussions, and networking. Sustainable electronics represent a unique opportunity for the future of […]

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17 September 2024 | At the turn of the year, the current EU Commissioner and Executive Vice-President of the European Commission Margrethe Vestager will assume a new title when she takes over as Chair of the Board of one of Denmark’s most prominent universities – DTU. During a long political career, the experienced top leader has […]

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12 September 2024 | In the frame of today’s meeting of the presidents of the EuroTech Universities, Michiel Scheffer, President of the Board of the European Innovation Council met with the presidents and members of the EuroTech Governing and Operations Boards for an exchange on innovation in the EU. The meeting took place at Skylab, […]

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Keynote speaker: Enrico Letta, Former Italian Prime Minister and author of the report “Much more than a market” on the future of the Single Market. This autumn, the newly elected European Parliament will begin developing their positions, and the candidates for the future European Commission will be announced. These leaders will play a crucial role […]

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WE ARE a strategic partnership of leading European universities of science and technology.

WE JOIN FORCES to build a strong, sustainable, sovereign, and resilient Europe.

Focus Areas

Additive Manufacturing

We bundle expertise around Industry 4.0, covering aspects such as automation, simulation, 3D printing and new materials.

AI for Engineering Systems

We apply artificial intelligence for solving societal challenges. Topics include machine learning, computer vision, robotics, and math.

Health & Bioengineering

We cover a wide range of aspects between patient care, medical applications and bioengineering for improved treatment.

Sustainable Society

We have joined our efforts in multiple, interdisciplinary topics such as energy, smart mobility, circular economy, and more.

Entrepreneurship & Innovation

We set the bar higher than others by not only inventing new solutions to societal problems but also deploying them on the global market.

Facts & Figures

First-class research, education, and innovation in technical disciplines and beyond are the core pillars the EuroTech Universities Alliance is built on.

Our combined strengths result in impressive numbers that illustrate what we can achieve together.

Read more about our

EU contribution to EuroTech Universities in Horizon 2020
Number of PhD students at EuroTech Universities
Number of ERC grants received by EuroTech Universities in H2020
No. of notifications of invention at EuroTech Universities since the founding of the Alliance

The EuroTech Universities

We build on our excellence in research and education, our vibrant innovation eco-systems, and deliver service to society. 

We work together in five high-tech Focus Areas and advocate for change, through dedicated partners and a strong presence in Brussels, the heart of Europe. 

Mission & Vision

What drives us, what are our core competences, and what do we strive for? Discover the heart of our Alliance!